There are quite a big number of grannies whose sons/daughters died of HIV/AIDS and they are currently caring for their grand children.
Grannies, as old as they are, and in such poor economic conditions, struggle to earn a living and at the same time they are faced with the burden of feeding, meeting education requirements and medical expenses for their grand children.
Quite a big number of grannies are facing housing poverty and some of them are living either in semi permanent shelters or under leaking roves.
These people are unable to construct themselves better shelters to live in and this makes it too difficult for them to care for orphans and other vulnerable children in their care.
Therefore, NYIMUPHA helps some of those grannies acquire simple but descent houses where they can live together with their families till such a time when children will grow and become independent.
Since 2010, Nyimbwa Multi-purpose Organization of PLWHAs with support from the Stephen Lewis Foundation- Canada has constructed five modest houses for grannies caring for orphaned children in Luweero District.